
Branding vs Marketing: Which Comes First in Business Strategy?

Branding vs Marketing Which Comes First in Business Strategy

Branding vs. Marketing: Which Comes First in Business Strategy? We see a few companies or products stand out from the crowd. They bring out the best solution for the problem like other companies, so what makes them stand out? Their marketing strategy. They steer through the emotions, connecting on a personal note. 

IT services companies spend lakhs and millions to market and brand their product and services to captivate maximum attention. 

By consistently putting brand in front of consumers through marketing campaigns, big brands ensure their name is top-of-mind when a purchase decision needs to be made. Certainly, branding and marketing create a deep impact on the customers when done right.

Strategic marketing fosters brand loyalty, turning one-time buyers into lifelong customers.

So, the real question here is, should you invest in marketing or branding your services? Now you may ask what’s the difference? Surely, this article will help you understand the difference between marketing and branding. We will also guide you through the best practices and the right investment for your business. 

How Marketing Works?

Have you ever noticed that Big brands don’t just sell products, they sell a feeling, an experience, or a lifestyle? Think of the emotions developing when you see a particular logo or hear a familiar jingle.

Marketing is connecting with your target audience to promote your product or service and ultimately drive sales. It’s a multifaceted strategy that encompasses various activities. It’s about creating a bridge between your brand and your target audience, convincing them that your product or service is the best solution to their needs or desires.

Consistent branding and marketing efforts remind consumers why they choose a particular brand and help maintain market share. Ultimately, the goal of any business is to generate revenue. Let’s understand how marketing transforms the product or service into the needs of the customer:

Understanding Your Audience: The Foundation of Marketing

Imagine walking into a crowded room at a party. You wouldn’t just announce your presence to everyone, hoping someone finds you interesting. You’d identify people who share similar interests or seem approachable. Marketing follows a similar logic. Before promoting your product, you need to understand your target audience – their demographics (age, income, location), interests, and pain points (problems they face).

Market Research: 

Conduct surveys, focus groups, or analyze competitor marketing to gather insights into your target audience.

Buyer Personas: 

Create detailed profiles representing your ideal customers, including their challenges, goals, and preferred communication channels (social media, email, etc.).

Crafting Your Brand Story: The Emotional Connection

Now that you know who you’re talking to, it’s time to craft a compelling message. This isn’t just about features and benefits; it’s about connecting with your audience on an emotional level.

Unique Value Proposition (UVP): 

What makes your product or service stand out? How does it solve a specific problem better than competitors?

Brand Voice & Personality: 

Develop a distinct voice that resonates with your target audience. Are you playful and friendly, or sophisticated and authoritative?

Brand Story: 

Craft a narrative that positions your brand as the hero, helping your audience overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.

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The Marketing Mix (The 4 P’s): Creating the Right Offer

The Marketing Mix (The 4 P's): Creating the Right Offer

Think of the marketing mix as the recipe for your product or service’s success. It involves these four key ingredients:


Analyze your target audience’s needs and tailor your product accordingly. This could involve developing new features, improving existing ones, or creating different product tiers to cater to different customer segments.


There’s a sweet spot between maximizing profit and remaining competitive. Consider production costs, competitor pricing, and the perceived value your product offers to determine the right price.


This refers to how customers will access your product or service. Will it be sold online, in physical stores, or through a combination of channels? Consider factors like convenience for your target audience and the nature of your product.


This is where you get creative – it’s about spreading the word about your brand and product. Utilize various marketing channels like social media, content marketing (blog posts, videos), email marketing, influencer marketing (partnering with relevant personalities), public relations, or even traditional advertising methods (TV, radio, print) depending on your strategy.

Executing Marketing Campaigns: Putting the Plan into Action

Now that you have your audience, message, and product offering defined, it’s time to launch your marketing campaigns. Here’s how it unfolds:

Choosing the Right Channels: 

Not all channels are created equal. Select the ones your target audience frequents the most and align them with your brand message. For example, promoting high-end jewellery might be more effective on visually-driven platforms like Instagram, while B2B (business-to-business) products might benefit more from industry publications or LinkedIn marketing.

Creating Engaging Content: 

In today’s crowded online space, high-quality content is crucial. Develop content (text, videos, infographics) that educates, entertains, and informs your audience about your brand and its value proposition.

Building Relationships: 

Marketing isn’t a one-way street. Respond to comments and questions on social media, engage in conversations, and offer helpful advice to build trust and loyalty with your audience.

Measuring and Analyzing Results: Learning and Adapting

Marketing is an ongoing process. It’s vital to track the performance of your campaigns to see what’s working and what’s not.

Track Key Metrics: 

Monitor website traffic, social media engagement, conversion rates (website visitors turning into customers), and sales figures. Tools like Google Analytics or social media platform insights can provide valuable data.

Adapt and Improve: 

Analyze your results. If a marketing channel isn’t delivering, adjust your strategy or experiment with new approaches. Don’t be afraid to pivot your tactics based on what resonates with your audience.

Now you would ask, branding too focuses on all these things. So, does branding count as a marketing tool or a practice? Let’s find out!

Clearing Confusion: Branding A Continuous Process

Clearing Confusion: Branding A Continuous Process

To answer the question – Does branding fall under marketing? Yes! Branding is considered a core element of marketing, but it’s not the same thing. You can say branding is the foundation of marketing.  It represents the core identity of your product, service, or company. It’s the image and perception you cultivate in the minds of your target audience. 

Branding goes beyond just a logo or a catchy slogan. It’s a strategic process of creating a differentiated and memorable presence in the marketplace. It involves defining your brand values, crafting a unique selling proposition (USP), and creating a visual identity (logo, colours, etc.) that embodies your brand essence. Here’s how it works:

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Building Brand Identity:

Core Values: 

Define the core values that represent your brand. What principles guide your operations and how do they resonate with your target audience?

Brand Personality: 

Develop a distinct personality for your brand. Are you reliable and trustworthy, or innovative and cutting-edge? This personality should be reflected in all your communication.

Visual Identity: 

Create a cohesive visual language that includes your logo, colour palette, typography, and imagery. This visual identity should be consistent across all marketing materials, packaging, and your website.

Crafting a Brand Story:

Unique Selling Proposition (USP): 

What makes your brand unique? What problem do you solve better than your competitors? Identify your USP and weave it into your brand story.

Emotional Connection: 

Connect with your audience on an emotional level. How will your product or service improve their lives? What aspirations or values does your brand represent?

Communicating Your Brand:

Marketing & Advertising: 

Utilize various marketing channels to spread the word about your brand story and USP. This could involve social media marketing, content creation, influencer marketing, public relations, or traditional advertising.

Customer Experience: 

Every touchpoint a customer has with your brand shapes their perception. Ensure a consistent and positive customer experience across all interactions, from product quality to customer service.

Building Brand Equity:

Brand Loyalty: 

The ultimate goal of branding is to foster brand loyalty. When customers consistently choose your brand and become advocates, you’ve built brand equity.

Brand Recognition: 

Over time, with consistent branding efforts, your brand will become easily recognizable by your target audience.

The Impact of Branding:

Effective branding can have a significant impact on your business success:

Customer Trust & Recognition: 

A strong brand builds trust and recognition, making customers more likely to choose you over competitors.

Premium Pricing: 

A well-established brand can command a premium price for its products or services.

Customer Advocacy: 

Loyal customers become brand advocates, promoting your brand organically through word-of-mouth recommendations.

Now that you have understood the differences between marketing and branding, Marketing is a broader aspect of reaching potential customers while branding is a part of it. Software or mobile app development companies can leverage the power of both to captivate potential customers. Below we have prepared a table for you to quickly understand the key differences and which fits best for your organisation.

Key Difference Between Branding And Marketing

Key Difference Between Branding And Marketing

The essence of the table below explains:

  • Branding informs marketing: Your brand identity guides your marketing efforts.
  • Marketing strengthens branding: Effective marketing campaigns solidify your brand identity.
  • They work together to create a unified and powerful presence in the marketplace.


Feature Branding Marketing
Focus Core identity of a product, service, or company Promoting and selling a product, service, or company
Goal Build long-term brand perception and differentiation Generate leads, sales, and brand awareness
Orientation Long-term Short-term (specific campaigns)
Key Elements Brand values, unique selling proposition (USP), visual identity (logo, colours) Marketing mix (4 P’s: Product, Price, Place, Promotion), target audience, messaging
Examples Apple’s sleek design and innovation A social media campaign promoting a new product launch
Analogy Foundation of a house: Represents the essence of the brand Building the walls and roof: Leverages branding to create targeted communication and promote the product/service

In essence, branding provides the strategic direction, and marketing executes the tactical activities to achieve the brand’s goals. They work together seamlessly to create a unified and powerful presence in the marketplace. 

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